Business Services
Thornhill Financial Services
401(k) Plan Development
Getting Started
Get a 401(k) or other qualified plan for your business:
1. Initial Meeting
Let’s learn about your business and employees. You are invited to our office for a detailed conversation about your vision for your firm.
2. Mutual Agreement
We decide if we are the right fit for each other. Your investment professional will only recommend moving forward if it is in our mutual best interest.
3. Plan Development
Your financial advisor will develop a qualified plan solution for your firm that meets your fiduciary obligations. Everything from investment selection to plan features is handcrafted to meet your unique need.
4. Customized Services
As a business owner, you may have unique needs of your own. Your advisor will also provide personalized recommendations to help support your financial needs as well.
5. Plan Implementation
Upon approval of your plan design, our team will rollout the plan with your employees and provide comprehensive education. We keep you informed of what we are doing and why.
6. Ongoing Support
We offer quarterly education meetings for any plan participant and will review your fiduciary obligations on an ongoing basis to ensure nothing is overlooked.
Services Offered
Your qualified plan development may include customized solutions for: